The Age of Decadence Wiki

The following character statistics are available in The Age of Decadence during character creation:

Strength - Influences starting skill values (which determine to-hit chance), and determines damage modifiers and maximum carry weight. It is checked in dialogues and interactions with the gameworld.

Dexterity - Influences starting skill values (which determines to-hit chance), and determines Action points and sequence in combat. It is checked in dialogues and interactions with the gameworld.

Constitution - Determines your character's Hit Points and resistance to poison and other harmful substances (which will affect your ability to explore certain locations). It is checked in dialogues and interactions with the gameworld.

Perception - Influences starting skill values for ranged weapons (which determines to-hit chance), determines the accuracy modifiers for all weapons and range modifiers for ranged weapons, and helps you spot things which would remain hidden otherwise. It is checked in dialogues and interactions with the gameworld.

Intelligence - Influences starting skill values, and determines starting Skill Points and bonus skill points. It is checked in dialogues and interactions with the gameworld. The bonus skill points are added only to points earned by completing quests, not to points earned for killing enemies and passerbies.

Charisma - Influences starting skill values, and determines reaction and reputation modifiers. It is frequently checked in dialogues.
